
Sara Heideman

I grew up traveling all around the world thanks to the USAF. I spent most of my youth organizing my long boxes full of hologram variant covers and trying to draw like Jim Lee. Notebooks of X-Men fan art led to sketchbooks of original art. A high school Photoshop class opened the door to digital art. Photoshop led to a full fledged membership into the Adobe cult and the wonderful world of graphic design.

Art, design, photography, it’s my passion. My career revolves around helping people discover who they are and how they want to represent themselves. Brand identity is crucial for a company to flourish. Graphic design is all about establishing that trust. It’s the opportunity to let people know who you are quickly and unconsciously. And in the end, it’s all about making cool stuff for cool people.

If I‘m not sweating over fonts and color schemes, I’m playing superheroes with my daughters and still drawing in my sketchbooks. See my artwork here.